Hiukka beach in Sotkamo

Visit Vuokatti, Vuokatti

In hot summer days nothing can be better than dive into water on one of Vuokatti beaches.

In hot summer days nothing can be better than dive into water on one of Vuokatti beaches. The best one is in Sotkamo central area – Hiukka beach. Hiukka beach is a perfect swimming spot and a place with magnificent views. In ad­di­tion to being a beau­ti­ful beach, Hiuk­ka is a na­tu­ral att­rac­tion with its sand rid­ges. Hiuk­ka is part of the ex­ten­si­ve Kai­nuu rid­ge area, which st­retc­hes all the way to Ro­kua. This beach is suitable for the whole family: Lake Sapsojärvi is shallow and comfortable to have fun in the water.

The beach area has a sum­mer café, chan­ging rooms, toi­lets, a playg­round, beach vol­ley­ball courts, a ten­nis court and an out­door gym a short dis­tan­ce away by the rid­ge. There are also convenient walking paths and nature trails near the beach. In winter these paths turn into ski trails that can be reached by taking Vuokatti ice track. The lights installed on the Hiukka beach create a magnificent atmosphere when it gets dark.

Visit Vuokatti

Tervatie 1, 88600 Sotkamo




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