Vuokatinvaara Hill and viewpoint

Visit Vuokatti, Vuokatti

The landscape of Sotkamo and Vuokatti is mainly formed by the chain of 13 hills.

The landscape of Sotkamo and Vuokatti is mainly formed by the chain of 13 hills. Admire the far-reaching landscapes of blue lakes, thick green forests, and hills. The view ope­ning from the top of Vuo­ka­tin­vaa­ra hill is breath­ta­king and of­ten quo­ted as one of the na­tio­nal lands­ca­pes of Fin­land. The se­cond hig­hest hill in Vuo­ka­tti area, Vuo­ka­tin­vaa­ra hill, is for­med from Iso-Pöl­ly, Pie­ni-Pöl­ly and Kei­ma. From the Vuo­ka­tin­vaa­ra hill you can en­joy beau­ti­ful sun­ri­ses and sun­sets. The view­point of Iso-Pöl­ly can be reac­hed by car, ta­king the sout­hern road bet­ween Sot­ka­mo and Ka­jaa­ni. The view­point is ac­ces­sib­le by wheelc­hair and st­rol­lers du­ring snow-free sea­son.

Vuo­ka­tin­vaa­ra hill hosts ver­sa­ti­le mar­ked hi­king trails whe­re you can en­joy the di­ver­se na­tu­re and its of­fe­rings. Along the mar­ked trails the­re are fi­rep­la­ces main­tai­ned by the Sot­ka­mo mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty ex­cel­lent for ta­king a break.

Visit Vuokatti

Vuokatinvaarantie, 88610 Sotkamo


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