Academia, KAMK Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
Ranked among the top applied sciences universities in Finland by Ministry of Education, KAMK Kajaani University of Applied Sciences offers a wide range of academic disciplines at Bachelor & Masters levels both for local Finnish students as well as international students. In addition, there is a range of Executive Education and Professional Training programs.

Kainuu Region Industries
Kainuu Region is home to some of the global leaders in multiple industry sectors such as data storage, gaming, energy, artificial intelligence, mining and business. Some of the leading groups include: LUMI CSC Super-Quantum Computing Group ; Terrafame Green Transport Group
Kainuu Regional Governance
Kainuun Liitto/ Regional Council of Kainnu is the official governmental agency responsible for regional development initiatives such as Kainnu Region Strategies, Plans, and Activities. This body is responsible for overseeing and moderating triple helix policy directives in academia and industry towards serving local community as well as attracting international scope.

Kainuu Region Community
Kainuu Region, also historically known as Cajania, is one of the 19 regions of Finland with a population of around 75,000. Kainuu borders the regions of North Ostrobothnia, North Savo and North Karelia. In the east, it also borders Russia. Culturally Kainuu is part of larger Eastern-Finnish cultural heritage.
Kainuu Region in its formation is very innovative and entrepreneurial in its future development focus; with KAMK Kajaani University of Applied Sciences as the central educational, technological, socio-economic and international development hub. KAMK is currently expanding its current international student intake to be around 1,000 students per year; as well as multiple global industry, educational, and developmental partnerships in setting up overall community developmental targets.
Welcome to Kainuu Region!